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Seminar and Interactive Dialogue “Building a World-Class Performance through Olympic Kebumian”

Seminar and Interactive Dialogue “Building a World-Class Performance through Olympic Kebumian”

Bandung, fitb.itb.ac.id Located at the Multimedia Centre ITB Campus Faculty of Earth Science and Technology (FITB) along Geologists Association (IAGI) Pengda Jabar and Subject Teachers Council (MGMPs) Geography as Bandung Raya hold seminars and dialogues interactive with the theme “Building a World-Class Performance through Olympic Kebumian” the event was attended from various backgrounds including teachers, education authorities, IAGI Pengda algebra, geography teachers sebandung highway and student representatives.

The event was opened around 09:00 pm by greeting pkl Dean of FITB, represented by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Dr.Eng. Nining Sari Ning, he welcomed and thanked the participants who have attended over the enthusiasm for the seminar and the interactive dialogue.

Activities begin with two sessions: session 1 (seminar) and session 2 (interactive dialogue)

Session 1 (Moderator: Dr. Ir Budi Brahmantyo, M.Sc.) with keynote speakers include:

1. Chatief kunjaya, Ph.D theme “Sharing experiences Astronomy Olympiad”
2. Drs. Muchlis Catio, M.Ed theme “OSN management strategies to achieve world class”
3. Dr. rer. nat. Dadang K. Mihardja theme “State of the art Science and Technology of Earth”

Session 2 (Moderator: Dr. Tri Wahyu Hadi, M.Sc) with keynote speakers including

1. Judge L Malasan, Ph.D.
2. Drs. Nurul Huda, M.Ed.
3. Kadisdik and Penjab Activity OSN Jabar
4. The two student representatives medalist OSN

Enthusiasm and passion are very high indicated through questions and dialogue on various aspects of them experience the Olympics astronomy by MIPA, complaints funding Olympics from both teachers and students, the adjustment of the curriculum, especially for teachers of geography, and the perception of the Olympics terrestrial scheduled to be held by FITB to level as Bandung Raya in 2009.

In the seminar Ketut Wikantika, P.hD. convey various things one point of which is the Center of Excellence (COE) as a popular scientific communication in disseminating geoscience like Tropical School of Remote Sensing and GIS, Geodesy campaign, Meteorology club, Oceanovaganza, Geology forever and Indonesia Geoghrapic (IGEO). Based on the information submitted by the Directorate of National Education disciplines competed in the Olympic Games in Indonesia include Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer, Astronomy, Economics and Earth. For the Earth was first held at UGM with a very simple and only the local level.

The event was closed by a speech from the Vice Dean of FITB Resource field Dr.Ir. Rubiyanto Kapid and ended by singing to you country by the entire audience.

Photographs related to the event can be seen in http://www.fitb.itb.ac.id/galeri

While the seminar presentation files can be downloaded at the following link mengkilk:

1. Presentation Chatief Kunjaya, Ph.D.

2. Presentation Ketut Wikantika, Ph.D.

3. Presentation Dr.rer.nat Dadang K Mihardja. (Sorry for this day can not be downloaded)

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