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Handover Position Kaprodi Geodesy and Geomatics

Handover Position Kaprodi Geodesy and Geomatics

fitb.itb.ac.id, (12/10) Located in the Seminar Room of Geodesy and Geomatics performed handover from Kaprodi while also Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology Mr. Earth. Lambok Hutasoit, Ir, M.Sc, Ph.D to the new Kaprodi Dr.Ir. Eka Djunarsjah, MT.

In his speech, Dean of FITB hoped that with the election of a new Kaprodi Study Program Geodesy and Geomatics will be better again. While the new Kaprodi Dr.Ir. Eka Djunarsah, MT said that the post Kaprodi the first structural position which it aspires, and he will try to carry out their duties properly. Besides, he added that there are two basic tasks to run in first is related to education and the second about the student. The event was attended by the Dean, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Department as well as representatives of Non-Academic Officer. In Symbolic handover Handover Position (Sertijab) transferred from the old Kaprodi Dr. Wedyanto Kuntjoro to Kaprodi While later To Kaprodi new. The invitees congratulated on his election Dr.Ir. Eka Djunarsah, MT as the new Kaprodi accompanied with prayer and hope for the future study program Geodesy and Geomatics could be better.

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