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fitb.itb.ac.id -Pertumbuhan Bandung with the emergence of new buildings could impact groundwater supplies. Groundwater conditions are considered to be serious and is expected in 2013, Bandung will experience water shortages.

It was raised geologists, Ir. Lambok M. Hutasoit, who is also the Dean of the Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology Bandung Institute of Technology, told the “PR”, some time ago.

Lambok who is also Chairman of IAGI (Indonesian Geologists Association) in a paper entitled Advances Groundwater Conditions With and Without impregnation Made in Bandung Regional: Numerical Simulation Results, presented research results showing groundwater conditions in Bandung, which continues to decline.

Based on the results of these studies, conducted two simulation scenarios: first, groundwater continues to increase along with the growth of population and industry, but without increasing the absorption wells. Second, groundwater is equal to the first scenario, however, the addition of artificial recharge by infiltration.

According Lambok, both scenarios it is done every year for the period 1955-2013. As for the analysis of the condition of the ground water level decline (MAT), used the criteria of the West Java Governor Regulation No. 31 Year 2006, namely the safe zones, vulnerable, critical, and broken, each with MAT decrease of 40%, 40% -60 %, 6O% -8O% and 8O%.

He explained that the first scenario of the numerical results show the results, if not the restoration of groundwater, in 2013 there will be the addition of 116% critical zone and the zone was broken up by 570%.

Infiltration wells

According Lambok, there is a way to maintain the availability of water in the soil, ie by making infiltration wells. He cited as catchment wells in his home, in the Housing Cigadung Dago.

The infiltration wells, said Lambok, made simple with the size of one cubic meter, but can absorb rainwater from the roof of his home area of ​​three hundred square meters. “For example, the discharge of rainfall every year decline in the average of two thousand millimeters, so I have been putting water into the ground as much as six hundred cubic meters per year. It’s not small amounts,” he said. (A-72) ***

fitb.itb.ac.id (Source http://pikiran-rakyat.com)

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