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Get to know FITB Best Graduates – July 2018 Graduation Period

Get to know FITB Best Graduates – July 2018 Graduation Period

Get to know FITB Best Graduates – July 2018 Graduation Period


BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Being the best graduate and getting cum laude is the ideal of most students during graduation. The struggle to get the title is certainly not easy, it takes struggle, patience and an unyielding spirit. During the Third Graduation Ceremony of the Bandung Institute of Technology 2017/2018 Academic Year, there were several graduates from the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology who were awarded cum laude.

Rahaden Bagas Hatmaja

Interested in various marine phenomena, and the great potential of the sea in Indonesia made Bagas finally motivated to become an expert in the field of Oceanography. He became the best graduate in the Oceanographic Study Program at this graduation. Previously, during his time as a student he had received various achievements including winning the Dean List List because his achievement index was above 3.5 during semester 3-7. Then was chosen as 2017 Oceanographic Achievement Student, Speaking of the 2nd International Conference on Marine Science 2017 in Bogor, Best Students Presentation Award at International Ocean Youth Camp China 2017.

Bagas has a hobby of playing music. He was active in the ITB Angklung (KPA) family and became the governing body in 2016. Then in the 2017/2018 management Bagas became the Head of the Department of Communication and Information Media of the “TRITON” Oceanographic Student Association. As a student who joined the fast track program, after graduating he immediately continued his master’s degree at ITB with the Earth Science Master’s Study Program. “During my master’s degree, I hope to be able to do a lot of research and make a real contribution to society,” Bagas said.

Anugrah Noer Hadi.

Once confused about determining his passion, finally after entering the Meteorology Study Program, Anugrah knew his potential in understanding programming languages and processing and analyzing weather data. Anugrah is the best graduate of the Meteorology Study Program. Previously he was also the winner of Dean’s List. He also plans to continue his master’s degree abroad.

Wira Cakrabuana

Learning, praying, and building good relationships and always asking for parents’ blessing is the key to Wira’s success to become the best graduate of the Geological Engineering Bachelor’s Study Program at this graduation. Geology as a science that combines balanced qualitative and quantitative approaches and conducts field studies directly, makes Wira interested in this scientific field. Wira’s seriousness in her lectures earned her various achievements including the Student Achievement Stage Joint Preparation (TPB) FITB 2015. Geology Engineering Achievement Students 2017, and UNSOED 2017 Geology Open Challange 2nd champion.

Not only that, to develop himself in an organizational sense, WIRA was actively involved in the Geology Engineering Student Association “GEA” ITB as Head of the Academic Department, Board of Management 2017. After graduation, Wira wished to have a career as an expert in the energy industry.

Diah Nurfidas Ramdhani

Another graduate who received cum laude from FITB-ITB was Diah Nurfiah Ramdhani. Diah is a Bachelor of Geodesy Engineering Study Program student. Before graduating, Diah claimed to have experienced difficulties during the TPB period. Finally he was determined to struggle to be able to divide her time well between studying and active in student activities. Her struggle paid off until he finally won the cum laude title on his graduation.

During college, Diah was active in the ITB Minangkabau Arts Unit (UKM). Besides academic as a top priority, according to Diah, active in student activities also needs to improve soft skills in organization. After graduating, Diah wanted to work in the field of mapping for construction.

Reporter: Irfan Ibrahim

Photo: Nisa Nur Iskandar (SITH ITB: 2009-2014).

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