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Ivonne Milichristi Radjawane, M.Si,Ph.D.

NIP   : 19660806 199202 2 001
The place and date of birth   : Makassar,06 Agustus 1966
Unit   : Oceanography
Field   : Oceanographic Modeling
Employee Status   : PNS

Education : Ir. (ITB, 1990); M.Si Fisika (ITB, 1997), Ph.D (Tokyo Univ. of Fishheries, 2001)

Scientific Publications or Scientific Work

  1. Alan F. K.; Richardus K.; Ivonne M. R.; Safwan H.; “Aquatic Ecosystem Modeling in Pelabuhan Ratu Bay”, Proceeding of the Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC)“, Bali, Indonesia, 2002.
  2. Safwan Hadi; Wijaya Mardiansah, Ivonne M. Radjawane“Inter Annual Variation of Water Mass Dynamics in Eastern Indonesian Waters”. INSTANT Workshop onOceanography of Indonesian Seas, Bali, October 20-21, 2003.
  3. Radjawane, I.M.; Safwan Hadi; Ayi tarya; “Dinamika Pola Arus di Delta Mahakam, Prosiding Petemuan Ilmiah I Ahli Oseanografi Fisika, Bandung, 24 April, 2003.
  4. Radjawane, I. M.; A. Supangat; A. Nugraha;  Pysical-Chemical Characteristic and Its Relation to Macrozoobenthos Community Structure in Jakarta Bay Water, Proceeding of the 6th EMECS, Bangkok, November 2003.
  5. Radjawane I.M.: “Numerical Modeling of Water Discharged Induced Current”. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Electro – Communication and Information. IECI Chapter Japan Series Vol. 1999 No.1. ISSN 1344 – 7491.
  6. Radjawane I.M., M. Matsuyama, T. Suzuki (1999): “Modeling of density driven current in Tokyo Bay”, Pacific Rim, Singapore, April 1999.
  7. Radjawane I.M., M. Matsuyama, Y. Kitade, T. Suzuki (2001): “Numerical modeling of density-driven current in Tokyo Bay”, La Mer, 39,63-75
  8. Radjawane, I.M., (2001): “Numerical experiment of density current in Tokyo Bay”, Dissertasi, Tokyo University of Fisheries.
  9. Radjawane I.M., N.S. Ningsih, D.K. Mihardja, Idris (2001): “Studi Arus Lintas Indonesia (Arlindo), Kajian Literatur dan Hasil Simulasi Model Awal”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional LAPAN,Bandung,2001.
  10. Koropitan, A.F, R. Kaswadji, Radjawane I.M., S. Hadi, Aquatic Ecosystem Modeling in Pelabuhan Ratu Bay, Prosiding The Sixth Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC) Remote Sensing and Ocean Science for Marine Resources and Environment,VOL. II, Bali, 3-6 September 2002.
  11. Mihardja., Ningsih, N.S., M. A. Ratag., Radjawane I.M., M.S. Fitriyanto, B Siswanto., Idris Mandang., Bannu., Wiwin W., Nineu Y.G., Ferry S.Y., (2002): Model Distribusi Suhu Permukaan dan Arus Laut Perairan Indonesia untuk Prakiraan EI Nino, Laporan Akhir Penelitian RUT VII 1.2 Bidang Teknologi Per1indungan Lingkungan Kantor Menristek, DRN.
  12. Radjawane I.M., S. Hadi dan A Tarya, (2003): On Dynamics of Current Circulation in Mahakam Delta, Proceeding of Physical Oceanographers 1st Meeting, 24 April, 2003.
  13. Hadi, S., W. Mardiansyah and Radjawane I.M. (2003): Interannual Variation of Water Mass Dynamics in Eastern Indonesian Waters. Paper disajikan dalam INSTANT (International Nusantara Stratification and Transport) Workshop: “Oceanography of Indonesian Seas”, Bali, Indonesia, October 20 – 21, 2003.
  14. Radjawane I.M., A Supangat and A. Nugraha (2003): Physical-Chemical Characteristic and Its Relation to Macrozoobenthos Community Structure in Jakarta Bay Water, Proceeding of the 6th EMECS, Bangkok, November 2003.
  15. Koropitan AF, S. Hadi, Radjawane I.M., A. Damar (2004): A Study on the dynamic of Aquatic Ecosystem in Lampung Bay: A Coupled Hydrodynamic-Ecosystem Modeling, Journal of Fisheries Science, 2004, (abstract in English, full manuscript in Indonesian).
  16. Radjawane I.M., S. Hadi, AF. Koropitan, (2005): On the Study of Simulated Nutrient Budget in Lampung Bay, Indonesia Using a Coupled-Hydrodynamic-Ecosystem Model, LOICZ Open Science Meeting, Egmond aan Zee, Nether1and, 27-29 Juli2005.
  17. Radjawane I.M., S. Hadi, T. Meliana (2005): Inundation Model due to Sea Level Rise and Land Subsidence in North Jakarta, Collaboration Seminar between Oceanographic Undip and ITB, Semarang, 22 August 2005.
  18. Susanna, Radjawane I.M., S. Hadi (2005): Ecosystem Modelling in Jakarta, Banten and Lampung Bays, Collaboration Seminar between Oceanographic Undip and ITB,Semarang, 22 August 2005.
  19. AI Azhar, M., D.K. Mihardja and Radjawane I.M. (2005): Study on the Tidal Dynamic in Pelabuhan PulauBaai Bengkulu, Collaboration Seminar between Oceanographic Undip and ITB, Semarang, 22 August 2005.

Writing Books

Research Grants

  1. Ivonne M. Radjawane: Model Sirkulasi Arus Densitas 3D Baroklinik, Rio Tinto, 2003-2004.
  2. Mihardja., Ningsih, N.S., M.A. Ratag, I.M. Radjawane., M.S. Fitriyanto, B. Siswanto. A. Setiawan., Idris Mandang., Banuu, Wiwin W., Nineu. Y.G., Ferry S.Y., (2002) : model Distribusi Suhu Permukaan dan Arus Laut Perairan Indonesia untuk Perairan Indoneia untuk Prakiraan El Nino, Laporan Akhir Penelitian RUT VIII.2 Bidang Teknologi Perlindungan Lingkungan Kantor Menristek, DRN
  3. Safwan Hadi, Ivonne . Radjawane, Armi Susandi: Study on the impact of sea level rise and its economic valuation in coastal zone of Jakarta Bay, Osaka Gass Foundation, 2005
  4. D.K. Mihardja, Ivonne M.R., Nining S.N.: Pemodelan numerik sirkulasi arus dan dinamika massa air selat Makassar. ADO Riset FIKTM, 2005
  5. Ivonne M. Radjawane, Ph.D. Study on The Impact and Prediction of Sea Level Rise Dua to Climate Change at the Jakarta Bay Region. The Asahi Glass Foundation Overseas Research Grant 2005.
  6. Ivonne M. Radjawane, Ph.D. Pemodelan Numerik Sirkulasi Arus dan Dinamika Massa Air Selat Makasar. Institut Teknologi Bandung. 2005.
  7. Ivonne M. Radjawane, Ph.D. Sistem Informasi Pendugaan Ketersediaan Air Bersih Kawasan Pesisir dengan Menggunakan Model Matematik 3D Intrusi Air Laut dan Model Keseimbangan Air Permukaan Air Tanah, Institut Teknologi Bandung 2006.
  8. Dadang K. Mihardja1Ivonne M. Radjawane, Pemodelan Numerik Sirkulasi Arus dan Dinamika Massa Air Selat Makasar 2005.