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ITB FITB cooperation with ITS FTSP

ITB FITB cooperation with ITS FTSP

Bandung, fitb.itb.ac.id Housed in the Multimedia Room FITB Monday (14/06) held a meeting with the cooperation between ITB FITB ITS FTSP outcome of the meeting was planned several things including:

1. Option establishment of the new Prodi by involving partners such as the People’s Welfare, Minister of Education, Chiba University etc.

2. Scholarship Diknas

3. Formulation of the MoU and MoA

Cooperation Plan was attended by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Eng. Nining Sari Ning, Vice Dean for Resource Dr. Ir. Rubiyanto Kapid, FITB faculty representatives and representatives of ITS is Prof.Dr. Mulyo wake Sukijo and Dr. Catharina Nurjati S.

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