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Purnabakti Dr. Sri Hartati Soenarmo, MSP

Purnabakti Dr. Sri Hartati Soenarmo, MSP

Bandung, fitb.itb.ac.id (04/08) Dr. Sri Hartati Soenarmo, MSP is a woman professor Meteorological Studies who has devoted himself for 37 years with dedication and concern for education, especially science of meteorology. From the results given birth didikannya graduates and experts in Meteorology in Indonesia, even the students have become famous Doctor-Doctor. As a form of appreciation for his services Faculty of Science and Technology held his Earth ‘end event Dr. Sri Hartati Soenarmo, MSP in R. Prof. Goenarso Building 2nd Floor Labtek XI.

Dean of FITB Ir. Lambok M. Hutasoit, Ph.D, in his speech expressed his gratitude for the dedication and service of Dr. Sri Hartati Soenarmo for serving 37 years of teaching at ITB. In addition, he expressed the importance of the science of meteorology to continue to be developed because people need them most. Other remarks delivered by Dr. Meteorological Kaprodi Plato M. Siregar and Chairman of the Society of Ex-GM Dr. Gunawan Ibrahim meanwhile impression and a message delivered by one of the alumni as well Kaprodi Oceanographic Dr.rer.nat Pearl R. Princess and representatives of students.

On that occasion Dr. Sri Hartati Soenarmo conveyed a scientific oration about his dissertation on Geohidrometeorologi Basin case study in Bandung. Dr. Sri Hartati Soenarmo graduating from ITB Meteorological bachelor’s degree, then a master’s degree in Planning ITB achieved and achieved his doctorate degree from the University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD) in the field of Geology before entering the end phase.

To commemorate the journey times in ITB screened photographs and video footage, awards and mementoes of FITB given by the Dean of FITB, then representatives Lecturer Dr. Tri Wahyu Hadi and Chairman of the Society of Ex-GM Dr. Gunawan Ibrahim. The event ended with a suave and photos together.

“All Academician FITB ITB expressed gratitude for the dedication and services Dr. Sri Hartati Soenarmo hopefully continue to develop their knowledge to kepetingan nation”

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