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Socialization Geohumanism Geological Engineering Students

Socialization Geohumanism Geological Engineering Students

GEOHUMANISM activities is community service activities performed by the students of Bachelor of Engineering Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB FITB). This activity has been conducted since 2009. For the period 2010 and 2011 the object is a Gunungmasigit villages namely, district. Cipatat, Padalarang, Bandung Barat had trouble getting clean water obstacle to the fulfillment of their daily needs. The purpose of this activity is to help the local population to determine the location of groundwater wells right to meet its water needs.

One of the causes of this difficulty is the geological characteristics of the area which is generally comprised of limestone lithology poor at absorbing and storing groundwater. In addition to hard, the water sources used today’s society have poor water quality to be consumed as drinking water because it contains substances lime (carbonate). Actually, in the last year this has been done, but there are still a lot of data that must be sought in order to know the hydrological conditions in more detail in the target area.

With this background, this GEOHUMANISM activity continued community service programs previous period of exploration of ground water in a village clean water crisis. But there are some differences are due to the water conditions are unfavorable because it contains a lot of calcium. To overcome this problem have participated anyway Chemistry ITB Student Association (AMISCA) to do the processing water into clean water (water treatment). The expected output is a hydrogeological maps that show the potential of water in the region, but is designed until people can get clean water.

Outlines the form of this activity hydrogeological mapping to determine the spread of water resources in the target area. Water chemical analysis to determine the characteristics and water quality. Analysis of field data to determine the best water source. Making the detail design of drilling wells or reservoirs, pumps, piping, and water processing tool to benchmark future activities. Additionally, it will do well construction, drilling or production ponds to get water. Supply, installation of pumps, piping, and water processing equipment as well as training and maintenance operations. The purpose of this activity is to provide clean water to meet the needs of the village community life Gunungmasigit. The series of activities will be conducted in October 2010 until September 2011.

The results of these activities will be reported and available in the online version. Some photos of the training activities provided by D. Erwin Irawan (faculty of Engineering Geology) and Diky Irawan (laboratory assistant and doctoral candidate).

Source: Wildfire Mussofan (12007021) Chief Coordinator Geological Engineering Students

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