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banner Volcano Discussion with Tohuku University VOLCANO DISCUSSION WITH TOHUKU UNIVERSITY READ NOW Fossils as The Beginning of Earth History Scientific Oration by Prof. Yan Rizal R., Dipl. Geol - Expert of Paleontology Vertebrate FOSSILS AS THE BEGINNING OF EARTH HISTORY READ AND WATCH Earning a Perfect GPA This TNI Air Force Office graduated from Masters Program in ITB during April 2023 read more Focus Group Discussion NELAYAN GO DIGITAL with Badan Riset dan Inovasi Daerah (BRIDA), Badung Regency, Bali Read now

Greetings from the Dean of FITB

Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology.

Earth science or often referred to as earth science or geoscience along with other basic sciences, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, should be part of the national strategy to increase “science literacy” (AGU, 2004).

In line with that, FITB has complete human resources to study earth phenomena consisting of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

FITB Event



Ingin mengenal lebih dekat dengan Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian, —Sampai jumpa di Virtual Open HousePendidikan ITB 2022 7-9 Januari 2022 Virtual link;https://linktr.ee/AkademikITB Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian ITB Website: fitb.itb.ac.id FB: facebook.com/official.fitb.itb IG: @fitb_itb Informasi lengkap FITB di Open House ITB 2022 https://bit.ly/OpenHouseFITB2022 #openhouseITB#itb1920#fitbitb#geologi#geodesi#geomatika#meteorologi#oseanografi#usmitb#AdmissionITB#mahasiswabaru#itb#masukitb
