Geography and Geosciences Olympics 2014
Bandung, (22/04) In commemoration of Earth Day 2014, the Faculty of Science and Technology in cooperation with the ITB Earth Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) held the Olympic Games of Geography and Geosciences SMA / SMK / MA or equivalent.
Based on the report committee chairman Dr.rer.nat. Wiwin Windupranata number of applicants reached 500 people and selected to 200 people. The event begins with the opening and a technical meeting on Saturday, April 19, 2014. The event was officially opened by the First Secretary of BIG Ir. Budhy Andono Soenhadi, M.C.P ..
The participants take part in the Olympics on Sunday, April 20, 2014 which is divided into three sessions, namely a written test, a multimedia test and lab work. After a series of tests completed pkl 18:30 pm delivered the announcement at the same time closing. Closure is delivered by Dean of FITB Prof.Dr.Ir. Eddy A. Subroto. Furthermore, the participants who won medals diberangkat to cibinong to be given a medal.
Here are the participants who won medals:
Geography Olympics
Gold medal
1. Asri Hadiyanti Giastuti, SMA Negeri 1 Bogor
2. Ludika Riri Amanda, SMA Negeri 1 SALATIGA
Silver medal
1. Safira Andriani, SMAN 8 Jakarta
2. Melinda Gularso, SMAK 7 PENABUR JAKARTA
3. Zachary Afif, SMAN 8 Jakarta
Bronze medal
1. Nida Yusra Afifah, SMA Pasundan 1 BANDUNG
2. Alfi Gilang Muharom, SMA STATE 2 Tasikmalaya
3. Ni Made Trismarani, Sultradewi K. SMA STATE 3 DENPASAR
4. Good Namaskara Sani, SMA Labschool Kebayoran
Geoscience Olympics
Gold medal
1. Ryan Setyabudi, SMA Negeri 2 Purwokerto
2. Jason Hartanto, SMA Negeri 1 Sidoarjo
Silver medal
1. Muhammad Hamid Al-Faqihi, MAN Insan Scholar
2. Fahmi Adiyatma Makkaratte, SMA Universe BBS
3. Cri Ershad Ibn Dawn, SMAN 3 Bandung
Bronze medal
1. Annisa ‘Nurina Adani, MAN 3 Malang
2. Mohammed Iqbal Januadi Son, SMA Negeri 2 Cianjur
3. Mohammed Lutfi Sa’bani, SMA Negeri 2 Purwokerto
4. Abdul Latif, SMA Negeri 1 Cisarua
Complete results can be viewed on the website
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