Bandung, (25/06) Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy Ariyono Subroto, M.Sc. as the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Earth (FITB–ITB) signed a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with Redy as the President Director of PT. GPS Lands Indo-Solution. Mou is a memorandum of understanding on the synergy between the private sector and universities in the implementation of the Tri Dharma college.
The event starts pkl 14:00 am in Meeting Room of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Earth (FITB-ITB) and was attended by the Vice Dean for Resource Dr. Dina A. Sarsito, Kaprodi Geodesy and Geomatics S1 Dr. Kosasih Prijatna, Faculty of Geodesy and Geomatics and representatives from PT. GPS Lands Indo–Solution.
In the MoU, there are several important points of cooperation between the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology (FITB-ITB) and PT. Indo–GPS Solution, among others
- Assist in providing geodetic measurement equipment along with the accessories of Trimble Mapping and GIS products and Trimble Infrastructure.
- Membantu penyediaan perangkat lunak pengolahan data dari produk Trimble Mapping and GIS terkait bidang keilmuan Geodesi dan Geomatika.
- Membantu penyediaan program pelatihan pengoperasian peralatan ukur dan perangkat lunak pengolahan data dari produk Trimble Mapping and GIS terkait dengan keilmuan Geodesi dan Geomatika dengan sertifikasi Mapping and GIS.
- Memberikan beasiswa bagi mahasiswa program sarjana/magister/doktor di Program Studi Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika FITB-ITB.
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