FEST Employee Character Building Development TA. 2017
fitb.itb.ac.id; August 15, 2017. In order to improve the Work Ethics, Dispute and loyalty of Teaching Staff (Tendik) in the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology FEST-ITB, Saturday-12 August 2017, Employee FEST Heking to Peak Mount Papandayan Garut.
The journey begins on Saturday morning, 12 Aug. 2017 at 06.00 am Main Gate of ITB Campus Jl. Ganesha No.10. traveling approximately 3 hours, participants who numbered 60 people or 90% of the total employee of FEST, sampe to the initial location of the climb.
The climb begins, from 60 people Participants 14 people from reaching the top of the crater, while others stalled in some posts under dikarena Physical which is no longer possible to continue the climb. Exactly at 12:00 pm, all participants have returned down to the bottom of the climb location.
The event continued with Ishoma, then forwarded with Fun Games, to order a stronger employee character led directly by the head of the entourage of TU FEST, Mr. Drs. Mochamad Taopiq.
The hot tub bath is the closing event of all series of FEST Employee Character Building TA. 2017. And exactly at 17:00 pm, all participants returned to Bandung
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