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Geowisata Krakatau X FEST

Geowisata Krakatau X FEST

Geowisata Krakatau X FEST


fitb.itb.ac.id; August 29, 2017. On the day of the eruption of 27 Aug 1883 at 10:01, the Geowisata Krakatau X FEST team of 15 people managed to approach and observe Anak Krakatau Mountain in the Sunda Strait.

Geowisata activity is the first series of events and events in the framework of FEST X 2007-2017 or Dies 10th Anniversary of Faculty of Earth and Science and Technology ITB.

Rundown event of Geowisata Krakatau X FEST begins Gathering Participant & Briefing on the morning of 26th of August 2017 at Gate of ITB Campus Jl. Ganesha 10 continues to travel to Carita Beach Banten. In the evening, participants check in one of the hotel while resting a general discussion about krakatau & briefing for Krakatau geowisata activities.

On the morning of August 27, 2017 at 07.00 am, the journey continues towards the location of Anak Krakatau. After arriving while enjoying the spectacular views of the participants also observed Anak Krakatau led by the Chairman of the Group as well as a guest speaker Dr. Budi Brahmantyo, M.Sc.Ir.

The event ended after ISHOMA at 12.00 pm, continued Snorkeling and at 18.00 continue the journey back to Bandung again.

The next series of events from FEST-X 207-2017 are FEST X RUN 10K and 5K on November 5, 2017. To participate in please contact the Secretariat of Committee FEST-X 207-2017 at:

Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Bandung Institute of Technology
Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung
Tel. +62 222514990
Fax. +62 22 251 4837
E-mail. fitb-x@fitb.itb.ac.id
Pages. fitb-x.fitb.itb.ac.id

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