3rd Ranking for an interesting exhibition stand and well-prepared displays – Open House of Education-ITB 2017
fitb.itb.ac.id; 18 December 2017. The success of the ITB Open House Education, 16-17 December 2017 gives a sense of pride to Academic Civitas of Faculty of Earth Science and Technology – FITB ITB, because according to the information from the Committee, FITB got the 3rd order of attractive and good preparation stand by visitor version. Where the first and second sequences are achieved by School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development (SAPPK) and Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD). The visitors at the first day is 8000 people and the 2nd day is 5000 people. They came from 60 cities of Indonesia and also some students from Malaysia and Qatar.
On first day, the Dean of Faculty of Earth Sciences and technology, Ir. Benyamin Sapiie, Ph.D., had the opportunity to give a presentation in front of the visitors at West Hall of ITB, on the second day, which presented Faculty Presentation is Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of FITB, Dr. Eng. Imam Achmad Sadisun, ST, MT.
Presentation session is going well and relaxed but did not diminish the meaning and purpose, in the last 20 minutes, question and answer session is open to the audience. As an appreciation to visitors, FITB give souvenir.
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