ITB Postgraduate Education Open House, March 24-25, 2018; March 26, 2018. To provide an opportunity for the general public to know more about educational programs offered by the Bandung Institute of Technology, the office of the Executive Directorate of Management of Student Admissions and Educational Cooperation (DEKTM) ITB, will hold the ITB Postgraduate Open House on Saturday and Sunday, March 24-25, 2018 located in the West Hall, Campus ITB, Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung.
The Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, FITB-ITB certainly did not abstain from a very important event. For information on FITB-FITB there are 4 Postgraduate Study Programs namely: S2 / S3 Geological Engineering, S2 / S3 Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, S2 / S3 Earth Sciences and S2 Groundwater Engineering.
The FITB-ITB stand received enough attention from the beginning of the opening of the Open House Saturday, March 24, 2018 at 08.30 WIB until closing on Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 16.00 WIB. The neat and attractive decorations are presented in both FITB-ITB, in addition to displaying the Study Program Banner, Scientific Group RoadMap Poster, Brochures, Research Mockups on display and of course souvenirs in the form of key chains and special FITB-style ballpoint tags specifically for attracting visitors.
For Stand guards, Post-graduate students and some of the Association in FITB-ITB swiftly answer all questions and wishes of visitors to the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology.
FITB-ITB got a presentation schedule at the main pulpit of the exhibition, on Saturday, March 24 2018 at 14.00 – 15.00 pm. The presentation was delivered directly by the Dean of FITB-ITB, Ir. Benyamin Sapiie, Ph.D. and accompanied by the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Eng. Imam Achmad Sadisun, ST, MT, along with a complete formation from the Head of Study Program at the ITB FITB, namely: Dr. Ir. Yan Rizal R. , Dipl. Geol. Head of Master and Doctoral Study Program in Geological Engineering, Dr. Ir. Dwi Wisayantono, MT, Head of Master and Doctoral Study Program in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, Dr. rer. nat. Mutiara Rachmat Putri, S.Si., M.Sc. Head of Master and Doctoral Study Program in Earth Sciences and Dr. Rusmawan Suwarman, S.Si., M.T. Head of Master Study Program of Groundwater Engineering.
On this occasion the presentation was also given in the form of souvenirs for 3 questioners
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