Field Assessment of BAN-PT to a Geological Engineering Degree Program
In the implementation of the accreditation phase II study program the graduate program of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology of Earth (FITB) has received a visit / assessment field of the National Accreditation Board – Higher Education (BAN-PT) on February 25 and May 26, 2010 at 08: 00 – 16:00 pm, with the assessors, namely:
1. Prof.Dr. Kirbani Sri Brotopuspito (UGM) and
2. Prof.Dr.Ir. Sari Bahagiarti Kusumayudha (UPN Yogyakarta).
In accordance with a predetermined schedule, the first day of the visit the assessors is accepted by the Dean, the Vice Dean of FITB, Head of Study Program Bachelor of Engineering Geology, Chairman of the Task Force Accreditation Bachelor of Engineering Geology, promptly at 8 a.m. to 09:00 pm in the conference room FITB. In general During the meeting, Dean of FITB and unveiling the Department of Geological Engineering for the last 3 years. The meeting was followed by a discussion between the teams with a team of assessors FITB. Tim was accompanied by Chairman of the Program, the Chairman of the Accreditation Task Force, leading to the Bachelor of Geological Engineering Program, which on that occasion was attended by the lecturers in the study program, students, and five representatives from the Alumni (stakeholders) are:
1. Yudi Indra Kusuma, ST. (Energy Star Jakarta),
2. Didik Risdianto, ST. (Geologic Resource Center, Bandung),
3. Julian Ambasadur, ST, MT. (Pusdiklat Geology, Bandung),
4. Munib Ikhwatun Faith, ST., MT. (Center for Environmental Geology, Bandung),
5. Ir. Arif Zardi D., MT. (Consultant Engineering, Bandung).
The field assessment ended at 14:00 pm, at the close of the visit Dean gave his speech, and thank you to all those who have helped, ended by the signing of the Minutes of field assessment between the Dean, and two assessors.
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