Homepage : http://gd.fitb.itb.ac.id/
The Geodetic and Geomatics Engineering Masters Program (S2) is located at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology. Since August 2003 has run a new curriculum that integrates undergraduate programs, master programs and doctoral programs. Developing the knowledge of the three programs is divided into four vertical scientific streams, namely: the field of geodesy, the field of hydrography and coastal area engineering, the field of land administration, and the field of geomatics.
In connection with the above-mentioned scientific building, the Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Masters Program is divided into four areas of prioritization and five sub-priorities, in which two fields of sub-prioritization enter the Academic Science domain and the others fall into the scope of Corporate Science. Scientifically, the Geodetic and Geomatics Engineering Masters Program, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology is designed in such a way as to meet the needs of national development and regional development based on regional autonomy, as well as comparative advantages related to the development fields mentioned above.
The Geodetic and Geomatics Engineering Masters Program, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, is structured as follows:
A. Geodesy consists of two sub-condemnations, namely:
- Advanced Mapping Survey (Academic Sciences).
- Disaster Mitigation Information System (Corporate Sciences
B. Hydrographic and Coastal Area Engineering has a hydrographic sub-priority (Academic Sciences).
C. The field of Land Administration has a sub-priority of Land Administration (Corporate Sciences).
D. Geomatics has Geomatics (Corporate Science) sub-priority.