OGG ITB 2017
fitb.itb.ac.id, May 22, 2017; It is a routine agenda every Earth Day commemoration held by Faculty of Earth Science and Technology – ITB, namely OGG or Olympic Geosains and Geography ITB. This year’s OGG 2017 event was held on Saturday and Sunday, May 20-21, 2017 in the Hilmi Panigoro Room of Geological Engineering Building Lt.2 Faculty Of Earth Science Technology – ITB.
The event was attended by Chairman of Earth Day Celebration 2017 FITB, Bapak. Ir. Samsul Bachri, M.Eng., Ph.D. And opened directly by the Dean of FITB-ITB, Bapak. Ir. Benyamin Sapiie, Ph.D and Vice Dean for Academic Affairs FITB-ITB, Mr. Dr.Eng. Imam Achmad Sadisun, ST, MT.
In this event also conducted the presentation of Climate Literacy by Dr. Joko Wiratmo which was attended by Geography teachers and students of Olympic Geography and Geoscience (OGG) students from many regions in the country.
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