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Introduction of Postgraduate Programs and Parent Encounters of Undergraduate Students and IOM

Introduction of Postgraduate Programs and Parent Encounters of Undergraduate Students and IOM

Introduction of Postgraduate Programs and Parent Encounters of Undergraduate Students and IOM


fitb.itb.ac.id; 07 August 2017, Gedung Oktagon R.9019 started a series of events in the admission of new students FEST-ITB TA. 2017/2018. On that day, the introduction of Postgraduate Program was attended by freshman graduate students of FEST. The event was led by Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of FEST, Bpk. Dr. Eng. Imam Achmad Sadisun, ST, MT. representing Bpk. Dean of FEST which at the time was being out of town.

In the introduction material of this Pascasrjana study program, a complete description of what is FEST from Vision and Mission to the existing Facility as one of the Faculties at Bandung Institute of Technology. The event was also attended by the Head of Postgraduate Program at FEST.

Continue on Wednesday, August 09, 2017 held at the LFM 9009 Building held a meeting of parents of undergraduate students with Faculty of FEST and IOM ITB Student Parent Association. On this good occasion, the event runs smoothly and successfully gives an overview to the new Student Parents about the scope of what their children will learn during their studies at the Earth Science and Technology Faculty.

The time of the event was delayed, because in the afternoon on the parents of this student follow the event Entrepreurship S1 students in Sabuga ITB together with the Rector of ITB and Bpk. Prof. Mahfud.MD (Former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia).

The presentation of the material itself is directly delivered by the Dean of FEST, Bpk. Ir. Benyamin Sapiie, Ph.D who was accompanied by Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, The Head of Prodi Undergraduate Program at FEST.

The event continued with the speech of representatives of Ikatan Parung Mahasiswa (IOM) ITB.

In accordance with the data that has been released DEKTM ITB, new students received in the FEST environment are:

Undergraduate Program: Accepted 288 Persons and 264 persons Register
Graduate Program: Acceptable 70 People and 49 People Register

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