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1st place winner in the ASEAN Geospatial Challenge 2024

1st  place winner in the ASEAN Geospatial Challenge 2024

1st place winner in the ASEAN Geospatial Challenge 2024


The Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology congratulate:

M. Abdurrachman Rizqi (Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering) @rachman_rizqi

Resy Meilani (Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering) @malikresy

Afif Yulma Putra (Geological Engineering) @aypdjamur

With supervisor Dr. Eng. Anjar Dimara Sakti, S.T., M. Sc. (Lecturer in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering) @anjardimara

For the achievement as 1st  place winner in the ASEAN Geospatial Challenge competition with the topic of Asian Elephant Conservation with research areas in Sumatra and Kalimantan. They won gold medals representing Indonesia in ASEAN level competitions.

Hopefully this achievement will lead to other successes in the future.

In Harmonia Progressio!

Website: fitb.itb.ac.id
Whatsapp : 0812 2286 1688

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