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Inauguration Admissions ITB

Inauguration Admissions ITB

Located at Sasana Budaya Ganesha ITB, in the event the ITB Open Session Wednesday, August 13, 2008, ITB Rector Prof. Djoko Santoso induct 4249 new students consisting of 3079 people Bachelor program, and in 1170 the Master Program. That number is the number of new mahiswa re-registered until August 10, 2008 ranggal 11.00. As for the new students were inducted as many as 264 people were students of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Earth.

In the event the siding open ITB awarded best student academic worth for the rate of Studies, Level Faculty / School, and the level of ITB. FITB Students who received the award are as follows:
– Amrizal of Geological Engineering Department
– Gilang Permana from Prodi Meteorology
– Arya Pamudya of Prodi Oceanography
– Nurul Firda Prodi Yuliani of Geodesy and Geomatics
– Sani Yusmananto of TPB Program FITB

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