Head of Laboratory : Dr. Nurjanna Joko Trilaksono, S.Si., M.Si.
Dean Decree No : 658/SK/I1.C05/KP/2011, April 1 – 2011 and 187/SK/Ii.C05/KP/2016, February 5 -2016
- To observe weather elements as primary data and collect weather and climate elements from other research institutions as secondary weather and climate data
- To conduct practicum and research for students
- To conduct research for lecturers from Atmospheric Science Research Group.
Development plan:
- Year 2006: Development and improvement of weather and climate modules.
- Year 2007: Improvement of meteorological observation and meteorological station. Need 1 person laboratory administration and 1 person laboratory staff.
- Year 2008: The existing room (20 m2) does not meet the requirement that there should be additional space and the addition of automated tools.