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Prof.Dr.Ir. Deny Juanda Puradimaja, DEA Step up to 10 Large

Prof.Dr.Ir. Deny Juanda Puradimaja, DEA Step up to 10 Large

Board of Trustees (BoT) ITB through plenary session held on 12 September 2009 has decided 10 Hours 9:00 to 11:00 Candidates names ITB rector from 2010 to 2014 of 22 nominees. The plenary session chaired by the Chairman Yani Panigoro and attended MWA MWA members comprising community representatives, student representatives, representatives of employees, representatives of the Academic Senate, the representative of the Governor of West Java, and the Rector of ITB.

Tenth Candidates are:

1. Adang Surahman, Prof.Dr.Ir. M.Sc

2. Akhmaloka, Dr.

3. Deny J.Puradimaja, Prof.Dr.Ir. DEA

4. Ichsan Setya Putra, Dr.Ir.

5. Intan Ahmad, Dr.

6. Indra Djati Sidi, Ph.D .

7. Irwandy Arif, Prof.Dr.DEA, MSc

8. Isnuwardianto, Dr. Ir.

9. Rizal Z. Tamin, Prof.Dr.Ir.

10. Suhono H Supangkat, Prof.Dr.Ir. M.Eng, CGEIT

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