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FGD Traditional Fishermen Goes Digital

FGD Traditional Fishermen Goes Digital

FGD Traditional Fishermen Goes Digital

Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB) along with Badan Riset, Inovasi, Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Daerah (BRIDA) Badung regency, Bali conducted Focus Group Discussion about ‘Nelayan Traditional Go Digital’ on Tuesday (30/5/2023). The FGD collected information about Badung regency ocean potential and its marine condition, thus providing an innovative solution to rise local welfare in the ocean sector.  

The innovative solution is changing the way how traditional fishermen not only “find fish” but also “catch fish“. Dr.rer.nat. Mutiara Rachmat Putri, S.Si., M.Si., and the Oceanography Research Association developed Pelacak Ikan Nir Kabel (PINK). This device can track fish movement patterns and coordinate efforts to avoid overfishing in specific areas. With the help from BRIDA, the PINK device is still in development and used by small numbers of fishermen in Kabupaten Badung, Bali.

By utilizing GIS, geospatial data, and information on ocean potential, the fishermen are expected ultimately lead to better management of marine resources, ensuring a more sustainable and prosperous future for both fishermen and our oceans.
